Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

This year Cooper was all about trick or treating. We cut our loop time down from an hour last year to 45 minutes this year with a few more houses added. The routine was: ring the door, look in the window to see if someone was coming, say trick or treat, thank you, and happy halloween as we were departing. About 45 minutes after we were home Cooper was ready to go again! Cameron was happy to ride on his dad's shoulders and watch the festivities in his lion costume. Another first time experience was Cooper cleaning out his own pumpkin (we are not yet to carving his own pumpkin). He was pretty good at it although, he did not care to touch it with his hands. He preferred to use a large spoon.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caming trips

With the purchase of the new Rhino and Toy Hauler the camping trips have greatly increased! (Which Cooper LOVES!) In fact, the trips are never long enough. From the mountains to the desert the two little guys find plenty of dirty and things to do. Cooper's new past time is to look for rabbits to pew. When we help him shoot a gun he has a quick trigger finger! Cameron loves to get dirty and be outside--so much so that he took a little tumble into the tire going out the stairs. (Good thing they are rubber when they are little.) Cooper loves it when his "best friends" are there--either Nana or Orson.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First snow day. . .

The first snow on the ground means lots of playing and making tracks through the back yard. Unfortunately for Cameron, we couldn't find the small snow suit. Cooper, on the other hand, made fast tracks all through the yard pushing his lawn mower like a snow blower across the grass. He also had to knock down any snow piles and jump in anything that looked soft. After about 45 minutes he came back in completely soaked and sweating. That make for a good morning. The rest of the day was spent inside playing "football" with dad and wrestling around on the floor. Cameron enjoyed the peace and quiet for a few minutes when Cooper was out and headed right for Cooper's 4 wheeler. He's a pretty quick learner.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cameron's 1st B-day

We have made it to the Big 1st birthday, but not without many bumps and bruises (partial thanks to the big brother!) Cameron has become a walking machine. The only problem is, he thinks he can go anywhere Cooper can......hmmm, what the future will hold in that department. Cameron loved to squish the cake and was all over it. Then he did the "uh oh" and got the frosting all over in his hair. It went from Blonde to blue. :) He was so so on presents. He was more interested in running around playing with the kids! Why don't we all learn and save our money on the first few present events?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Cooper & Cameron are becoming good little buddies. Of course, they are also becoming good at pestering each other too. I guess that just comes with being siblings.

Cooper's big b-day party! 4 buddies, 1 big dragon, food and lots of squealing! Cameron thought it was pretty great too. Plus, the party wouldn't be complete without Kayci and the human jungle gym--aka Mark.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Fun

Fall has been full of camping trips and b-day fun. Cameron has turned into a walking machine. Cooper has become the 3 year old that can do everything all by himself so don't even think about getting in the way.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer fun

Now that summer weather is finally here we spend most of our time outside playing in the yard. Cooper keeps busy doing just about anything and Cameron is highly entertained both watching and by trying to participate. Favorite pastimes for the two are swimming, motorcycle rides with dad, playing at the park, and camping. Somehow we never spend enough time doing any of them according to Cooper. Rylee has picked up the new sport of Wake surfing. She is far better at it than any of us old duffers. . .go figure!