Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First snow day. . .

The first snow on the ground means lots of playing and making tracks through the back yard. Unfortunately for Cameron, we couldn't find the small snow suit. Cooper, on the other hand, made fast tracks all through the yard pushing his lawn mower like a snow blower across the grass. He also had to knock down any snow piles and jump in anything that looked soft. After about 45 minutes he came back in completely soaked and sweating. That make for a good morning. The rest of the day was spent inside playing "football" with dad and wrestling around on the floor. Cameron enjoyed the peace and quiet for a few minutes when Cooper was out and headed right for Cooper's 4 wheeler. He's a pretty quick learner.


Kelly said...

Looks like your morning was spent the same as ours, although, you had more snow!

Lynda Wallenfels said...

Gosh those are a couple of vute boys!